In a world consumed by war, a small group of young women take to the skies to ‘do their bit’. Their bravery and determination play a vital part in changing the course of history.
Based on a true story.
Aetheris Films is seeking co-production partners to produce Attagirls: a drama feature film set against the true story of the women pilots of the British Air Transport Auxiliary (ATA) during the Second World War. This will be the first time that their story has been told in a feature film. The screenplay is complete.
Attagirls is an ideal film for today’s environment, highlighting not only the story of unsung female heroes, but also promoting the role of women in film. Attagirls will have a cast of strong female characters and therefore the potential to attract major talent in all roles.
Although Attagirls is a 1940’s story, the ambience, style and production design of the film will be colourful, current and dynamic with characters that are 21st century aspirational. We aim to break the mould of WWII film style.
Aetheris intends to appoint a prominent female director.
Attagirls is based on the true story of a group of fearless young women whose spirit and tenacity in the face of adversity has yet to be told to a global audience.
The Air Transport Auxiliary (ATA), founded at the outbreak of World War II, was a British civilian organisation which made an enormous contribution to victory by taking over from RAF pilots the task of ferrying warplanes between factories, maintenance units and front-line squadrons.
During the 5 years of the ATA’s existence, the pilots flew all of the aircraft available to the RAF during WWII, including the famous Lancaster bombers used during the “Dambusters” raids; and the hurricanes and spitfires of the Battle of Britain. A total of 309,000 aircraft of 147 different types were ferried, without radios or armament, with no instrument flying instruction. At the mercy of the British weather, they were often required to fly an aircraft type they had never seen before.
The majority of ATA pilots were British, but they were also drawn from 30 countries around the world: The United States of America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Poland to name a few.
MOTTO: Aetheris Avidi (Eager for the Air)
A number of the ATA pilots were young women, many from privileged backgrounds and with limited training or flying experience.
Headquartered at White Waltham near Maidenhead in Berkshire, England, the ATA had fourteen ‘ferry pools’ throughout the UK. Despite initial prejudice, three all-female pools were established; at Hamble, Cosford and Hatfield, under the leadership of Senior Commander Pauline Gower - the “Queen Bee”.
The ATA’s contribution to the war effort was immeasurable, releasing numerous RAF pilots and ground staff for combat. And the ATA’s influence behind the scenes was important to the war effort as well as for gender equality, bringing radical change that was decades ahead of its time.
The ATA Association
The Attagirls feature film is currently in development and the screenplay is complete.
Copyright © 2021
Paul Olavesen-Stabb
& Andrew Rawcliffe
US Copyright Office, Washington D.C. Reg. No. 1-8417371641
The Attagirls feature film screenplay has been adapted as a novel and the book was published on 1st August 2021.
We are looking for co-production partners for Attagirls,
the prequel and the TV series.
RAF Involvement