The second Attagirls Molly Rose Pilot Scholarship which is valued at £15,000 has been awarded to 17-year-old student Amelia Richardson from Buckinghamshire. Fifty-five applications have been received to-date from women aged between 17-24 throughout the UK. The aviation scholarship is the only one of its kind in the UK which entirely funds all elements of attaining a Private Pilot’s Licence (‘PPL’).
Amelia Richardson grew up in Buckinghamshire and is a 17 y/o glider pilot, social media influencer, and advocate of supporting young people and women in aviation. Amelia is a Cdt. Sergeant in the Combined Cadet Force (RAF Wing) and intends to join the RAF, hoping to become a fighter pilot. Amelia went solo at 14 and achieved her Basic Instructor rating 3-months after her 16th birthday. She is now looking to achieve the Aerobatic Sports badge at RAF Shawbury Gliding Club. Amelia who has 94k Instagram followers is to be enrolled into the Attagirls Club as Teen Attagirls Ambassador.
Said Amelia: “I am hugely grateful to Aetheris Films and the Board of Trustees of the Attagirls Molly Rose Pilot Scholarship, and to Marshall of Cambridge and Cambridge Aero Club for selecting me and for believing in me. It is a huge honour and one that I thought would be out of my reach for many years. It really is a fantastic leap towards achieving my career aspirations as a flight instructor, a taste of which I've had since becoming a basic gliding instructor just over a year ago. Thank you to everyone for supporting me”.
The scholarship was funded by Marshall of Cambridge, with contributions from Graham, Gregory & Nigel Rose, the three sons of the Attagirls book heroine pilot Molly Rose; Philip Meeson, the founder of Jet2; and the British Women Pilots’ Association.
Amelia was selected from five finalists who attended interviews and a flight test in April, and she will receive full pilot training at the Cambridge Aero Club over the summer months.
The 2023 scholarship winner, Georgia Pescod who received the scholarship at 17 y/o is currently enrolled in commercial flying school.
Amelia's Instagram: @amelia_glider_pilot